Sunday, May 15, 2016

Sunday On The Patio READ HERE

Every year I plant the famous blue morning glories, and some pink ones as well, and they don't come up. 

Instead, I have these wild ones that sprout up in every little crack and bloom like crazy. I suppose I will have to be satisfied with purple their dark purple blooms.

I'd just like a little variety!

The leaves are quite large.

It looks like this cone flower is going to be coral. I had also planted white ones last year. But apparently they didn't make it through the winter.

The water gardens are doing great. Growing in leaps and bounds. I love to listen to the sound of the water.

There are at least 10 tomatoes on this one plant.

And a few strawberries. I've added a pepper plant too.

The angel seems to be surrounded with blooms. 

I hope you enjoy your day digging in the garden.

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