Thursday, April 14, 2016

ARTICLE Home Design Powerful Idyllic Nature Frames Evoked in Sky Furniture Collection by thecraftlab READ HERE

Home Design The new SKY gathering by Irina Neacsu brings out the feeling of unspoiled casings motivated both by nature and by the urban scenes of Romania. The arrangement speaks to the advancement of a recently diagrammed course in the formation of thecraftlab: the home and designing things are currently being customized by the method for computerized prints of Irina Neacsu's artistic creations, enlivened by feelings assembled amid her ventures. 

The Sky is the Breaking point futon, the Daydreamer, Pioneer, Hush is Ecstasy easy chairs and the Lost in Quietness love seat are a contemporary proclamation about how the home and brightening things can accuse us of intense sentiments: "Behind the depictions, there are feelings and recollections of my first adjusts of mountain biking in Transylvania, of the city of Sibiu amid my adolescence, of the glory of Lake Vidraru or the peacefulness of the Danube Delta, of the confounding Fagaras or the interminability of the sky. What's more, Romania is only the beginning stage for my travel stories, who knows where the street will take me soon. The things in my new accumulation are a welcome to solace, tranquility and thoughtfulness", Irina calls attention to.

In the meantime, the gathering is finished by things printed with pictures of imagination creatures, making a children's story situation likewise motivated by the treks under the open sky. Sooner rather than later, the artistic creations which propelled the accumulation will speak to the beginning stage for the drafting of a few littler accumulations of design embellishments and home and enlivening things for patio and greenhouse. 

thecraftlab by Irina Neacsu is the main Romanian configuration brand taking part in the winter version of the well known universal reasonable – Maison&Objet, this being its third investment of this kind. All things having a place with this new accumulation will be shown without precedent for the Côté Déco area (Corridor 4), between the 23rd and the 27th of January. [Photos and data gave through email by Designist for the benefit of thecraftlab]

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